Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Boy does time fly by

I have to admit that I am not keeping up with my blog and I hope after a client (Carol) reminded me that I have not posted anything since January that maybe I better do something.  Well in the last couple of months we were in Florida for two weeks had a great time and not to mention the weather was terrific.  We have listed our house (in the hopes of getting a new studio space for you know who) with over 40 showings no offers yet I am going nuts, oh yea.  One of our clients informed me that listing your house is just a excuse to keep the bathroom clean and at this point I think that she might be right.  Enough about the house I do have some exciting news, a friend Kelly and I are taking a Sulky Class in July and we will be certified Sulky Teachers we can't wait.  (The only thing staff here say Debbi certified or certiable.)  Three days of projects without the embroidery machine (can't imagine that one) we will be thread painting and bobbin work etc. using sulky threads and stabilizers.  More exciting news is we are hosting Kerrin Brooks from B.C. Kerrin is a Pfaff and Husqvarna Educator and she will be working with 4D on Thursday June 2 on Friday June 3 we will be creating a Floral Rhaspsody that Kerrin has design herself and on Saturday June 4 she will be showing us how to turn line art or picture into stitches.  As well my husband Tim and I will be hosting Kerrin and her husband, talk about picking someone brain.  The class run from 10:00 - 4:00 each day and the cost is $75.00 per day.  If you don't have 5D and are thinking about it this is the class for you as we will install the program onto your laptop for you to try and if you are not ready to purchase we then remove the program from the laptop.  Carolyn and I are hosting a Christmas block of the month in the afternoons and in the evenings.  We are having a ball if you are interested let me know as there is still room for anyone.  Hopefully I will remember to post more notes and keep you posted on my new studio space.  (I know my daughter and son in law are looking for someone to buy our house so they can get their house and garage back.  The other thing is I have make sure that everything comes back as I am sure somethings might go missing. Hopefully you will hear from me more often.  It is Carolyn's birthday today so Happy Birthday Carolyn.  Debbi


  1. Happy Birthday to Carolyn!!! :)

  2. Not to worry Deb... Your house will sell!! Oh yeah, Christmas block of the month is awsome!! I love it.. The designs are great!!
